Sunday, February 27, 2011

I had fun!

Last night was our "COE (Computer Engineering) Night". It was a small camaraderie and an annual night event in our school. Actually, it was my first time to attend that kind of school event because I am a lazy one when it comes to attending those kind of events. But since my professor told us that he will give incentives for those who'll join, I attended. Hello, easier way to pass the subject (Advance Math!) !! But not really, HAHAHA

@Salon. LOL

with friends.(Arcee, Patty, Me)

Well, it was an event full of fun. We watched a pageant and the candidates were my COE-mates. Hello, hotties! There was also, uhmm, a contest of what they call "TALENTADONG COE", 'twas good too! What else? Uhmm, I liked those two stage comedians, they were so hilarious!

After the program, the DJ did his part and yeah, PARTY PARTY! 

I had a lot of fun. && I loved the dishes they had for us! HAHAHA

Engineering is really a good and fun course. You'll learn a lot of good things from it. If you are also interested in engineering, check out a forensic engineering degree.


stevevhan said...

haha. Guess what? we have the same course and we also have that COE nyt event. Our coe night is a pageant for boys wearing girls' outfit because there's bigger boys students in college of engineering here in our school than girls. But our coe night will be on march pa.

So, how's your life being a COE student?, i really want COE students cause i feel that we are family, (Just like you), so i am very excited in talking with you more, i dont exchange links but i visit those who comment on my posts, but don't worry even if we are not exchanging links i'll be in touch with you! :) or better yet we should follow each other through google friend connect!

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